Исполнитель: Steven Anderson Альбом: 101 Classic Piano Hymns Год выхода: 2004 Жанр: Instrumental Hymns
Disc 1:
01.Be Presesnt at Our Table, Lord
02.Be Thou My Vision
03.Holy, Holy, Holy
04.O Sacred Head
05.I Heard the Voice of Jesus
06.Now Thank We Are All Our God
07.O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
08.Love Divine
09.The Church's One Foundation
10.The Gift of Love
11.Be Still My Soul
12.You Are the Way
13.Children of the Heavenly Father
14.El Shaddai
15.Let Us Break Bread Together
16.O for a Thousand Tongues
17.Just as I Am
18.Blessed Feasts
19.For the Beauty of the Earth
20.God Who Made the Earth and Heaven
21.O Sons and Daughters
22.The Rugged Old Cross
23.God Be With You
24.Lord I Want to Be a Christian
25.Immortal Invisible
26.Lift Up Your Heads
27.The God of Abraham
28.Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart
29.O Perfect Love
30.Brightest and Best
31.Peace Like a River
32.O Jesus, I Have Promised
33.Down at the Cross
34.Battle Hymn of the Republic
Disc 2:
01.All Glory Laud and Honor
02.Come, Thou Fount
03.Were You There?
04.We Gather Together
05.Life High the Cross
06.Softly and Tenderly
07.Faith of Our Fathers
08.Create in Me
09.Day by Day
10.Peace Like a River
11.What Wonderous Love
12.Our Father, By Whose Name
13.Just a Closer Walk
14.Thine Is the Glory
15.Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus
16.Amazing Grace
17.Come Ye Thankful People, Come
18.And Can It Be
19.Jesus Loves Me
20.Lord of All Hopefulness
21.Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
22.O Christ the Same
23.How Firm a Foundation
24.The King of Love
25.Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah
26.Jesus Paid It All
27.Whiter Than Snow
28.In the Name of Jesus
29.My Faith Looks Up to Thee
30.O God Our Help
31.God Bless Our Native Land
32.Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
33.Praise to the Lord
34.America the Beautiful
Disc 3:
01.A Mighty Fortress
02.Beautiful Savior
03.Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
04.Built on a Rock
05.This Is My Father's World
06.There Is a Balm in Gilead
07.Lead Me Lord
08.Savior Like a Shepherd
09.Simple Gifts
10.Praise and Thanksgiving
11.What a Friend We Have
12.Precious Lord
13.God Is So Good
14.Blessed Assurance
15.All Creatures of Our God and King
16.Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
17.Holy God We Praise Thy Name
18.O Worship the King
19.Rock of Ages
20.When Morning Gilds the Skies
21.O God, Beyond All Praising
22.Lead on, O King
23.How Great Thou Art
24.Crown Him With Many Crowns
25.All the Way My Savior
26.Breathe on Me
27.Come Thou Almighty King
28.Shall We Gather at the River
29.Christ the Lord Is Risen
30.Alleluia Sing to Jesus
31.God of Our Fathers
32.Revive Us Again
33.Amen, Amen
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